The Benefits of Canine Companionship

How Dogs Improve Our Lives

What if we told you your enjoyment of life could fly through the roof in just one step!

(drumroll please) It’s time to get a pet dog!

Dogs are known to reduce your stress, anxiety and depression, these beautiful companions can genuinely transform your life in the most beautiful way. 

I’m sure you remember being a young child and every time you saw a dog on the street you’d get excited and say “hi puppy!” (or like many of us maybe you still do 😉), how amazing would it be to experience that excitement every time you go home! You’ll alway have a smiling face when you get home after a long day at work, and what other joy can compare to your loyal companion waiting for you after an exhausting day?

Cortisol is one of your major stress hormones, and it has been shown that having a pet lowers those hormones, and also can lower your blood pressure. Dogs are even often brought into nursing homes to help support patients and reduce their stress and anxiety. 

Dogs have incredible emotional intelligence, they understand when you’re struggling and are incredibly present, they know how to sit with you and be loving.

Having a pet dog will give you a mood boost, and ease your loneliness. You’ll always have someone around to cuddle and a shoulder to cry on. 💔

Have you had a recent fitness goal?

Another reason to get a pet dog! 😍

If you’re trying to get fit and healthy, getting an energetic dog who needs exercise will definitely help with this! We all love and care for our pets, and often all you need is a little push of motivation to get exercising, and having a pet who relies on you might just be that push you need! Walking your dog every day is an amazing way to help all aspects of your life, your mood will be improved, getting out in the fresh air and sunshine increases your brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. When your serotonin is increased, you’ll have a wonderful mood boost and you’ll feel more calm and focused. Going on walks or runs with your dog will boost your mood even seeing beautiful sunsets or sunrises, getting the chance to appreciate nature is often something that we don’t get time for with a busy work schedule and busy social life.

If you’ve got a dog relying on you for this, you’ve finally got the motivation to reach your fitness goals plus you get a mood boost, and even get a little you-time.

Dogs can also improve our lives by introducing more social opportunities! Meeting people at a dog park can be a great way to meet new friends, and bond not only with amazing dogs, but people as well. If you’ve been feeling the sting of loneliness, your pup might just drag you in the direction of the dog park and make all kinds of magic happen! Plus there’s also Facebook groups of people always wanting to get together and meet people on dog walks, getting the social outing of going to a groomer or even buying treats from a pet shop! If you’re too shy to say hello to new people, you’ll often find the kind hearted soul who will find a moment to say hello to you dog and you’ve got a perfect moment to strike up a conversation!

We understand that not everyone can afford the duties of owning a dog, or have the space, perhaps you're in a rental that doesn’t allow pets or you don’t have a big backyard.

We’ve got a solution! 

How about a virtual adoption?

Here at Paws for Change we have virtual adoptions available which allow you to sponsor one (or more) of our rescues and be a part of their rescue story for just $35 per month! That’s just over $1 a day (also fully tax deductible). $1 a day may not seem like a lot, but it makes a huge difference to the dogs in our car, and it also allows us to grow and rescue more dogs that desperately need our help.

View our gallery and pick the pup that stands out to you. As a furry godparent, you’ll receive an exclusive look into the life of your sponsored dog and receive monthly ‘pupdates’ of their ongoing progress, as well as a framed photo and certificate of your rescue pup when you first sign up!

Click the ‘Virtual Adoptions’ tab and get your own beautiful rescue pup today!


Tips for taking Instagram worthy pictures of your pup


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