Rayne’s Story

Rayne is yet another young dog that was reported after being hit by a car. She had severe nerve damage and despite a regime of rehabilitation therapies (acupuncture, treadmill and water therapy), she still requires a wheelchair for full mobility.

Rayne is one of our wheelie squad at our WenAven Special Needs Safe House and is one of the happiest pups you’ll find - always with that huge smile on her face. She really needs a Furry Godparent to show her some love now to help cover her ongoing care.

Please sign on as Rayne's Furry Godparent.
Subscribe below and we'll keep you updated on her progress each month!

You can become Rayne’s FURRY GODPARENT for just $35 a month (fully tax deductible).

Hit the SUBSCRIBE button below and you’ll receive exclusive sponsor-only ‘pupdates’ each month.

If you can't sponsor on a monthly basis, but would still like to help, please head to the DONATE page of our website - every cent is gratefully accepted with thanks.

If you prefer, you can also donate directly to our bank account (all payments are tax deductible):

For direct bank deposit:
Paws For Change
BSB: 085 458  /  Account: 16 714 9042


Via our Donation Hotline
Call 0419 219 219 to make a secure and convenient donation by phone.